Episode 34: Tabi Jones-Wohleber: Supporting Communication Partners in the Classroom
In this episode, Rachel, Lucas, and Chris first discuss the work/life balance for SLPs, including the integration of social media into our professional lives and the need for balancing career growth vs. personal time when pursuing work-related interests.
Then, Chris is joined by school-based AAC Specialist Tabi Jones-Wohleber! Tabi is creator of “Model as a MASTER PAL”, a training series that emphasizes the importance of environment and the communication partner’s responsibility to model. Tabi shares about coaching others to be an effective communication partner, the need to create more naturalistic communication opportunities, and why it is important to speak in statements, not just questions, to people who use AAC.
Questions addressed this episode include:
How can we better balance our jobs and side projects with the need to take time for ourselves?
When is (and isn't) social media an important tool for SLPs looking to connect?
How can we better motivate AAC users to engage with communication partners?
How can we better structure lessons to provide communication opportunities all day long?
What do communication partners need to know to model more effectively?
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