Episode 103: Small Talks III: Brian Whitmer, Brandi Lee Wentland, Kathy Howery, Shaun Pearson, & Kelly Key

This week, we are happy to share our third Small Talks episode! We have 5 different short interviews from Brian Whitmer, Brandi Lee Wentland, Kathy Howery, Shaun Pearson, and Kelly Key! Each of them shares a key experience or strategy that is of particular interest!

Key ideas this week:

πŸ”‘ Brian Whitmer, CEO of CoughDrop, talks about the process of coming up with CoughDrop’s clever AAC-themed shirts (e.g., β€œI love it when a good motor plan comes together”). 

πŸ”‘ Brandi Lee Wentland discusses pushing into classrooms and other environments to support students in a more naturalistic environment.

πŸ”‘ Kathy Howery shares about working with parents, students, and SLPs at an AAC camp in Canada, including the importance of training communication partners before the camp begins.

πŸ”‘ Shaun Pearson shares about creating a table-top role playing game for children at AAC camp with Kathy, and all the creative ideas the students came up with! He also touches on the Argyle and Crew role playing game for kids and adults! 

πŸ”‘ Kelly Key talks about #coreaokey, a fun activity she came up with to work on core vocabulary! You play a song, and as it plays, you can model the language from the song! 



Episode 104: Nicole Bender: Moving Abroad to Support People with Complex Communication Needs


Episode 102: Catherine Fredericks: Increasing AAC Buy-in with Parents and Teachers in the Schools