Episode 198: Lory Chrane: Sowing the Seeds of AAC in Uganda

This week, Chris interviews Lory Chrane, an AAC Specialist and Professor at Abelene Christian University. Chris and Lory talk about how Lory has tried to improve pre-service teaching by involving as much experiential learning as possible, especially in the area of AAC instruction. Lory also describes a mission trip to Uganda to work with Hope Speaks, a nonprofit that supports people who have communication challenges and SLPs in Uganda. 


Before the interview, Chris and Rachel connect to talk about slang and AAC, including the slang word โ€œpoggers" that Chris learned from his kids. Chris notes how putting the current slang on AAC devices can make help users talk the way their peers do and make using the device more motivating.


Key ideas this week:


๐Ÿ”‘ Teaching students how to problem solve and meet challenges head on when dealing with AAC can really help students not be afraid of AAC in practice.


๐Ÿ”‘ Itโ€™s important to teach students that a lot of work with AAC is teaching language concepts to AAC Users who have difficulty with vocabulary. A much smaller part of working with AAC involves programming or more technical work.


๐Ÿ”‘ Lory is working with ACU on a project to support greater inclusion of AAC users into faith-based activities. This includes teaching church leaders to use the Symbol-It software  to provide symbols along with text for greater visual support.


To learn more about Hope Speaks, go to joinhopespeaks.org


Episode 199: Cindy Gelormini - Improving Inclusion Through Storytelling


Episode 197: Coaching Call with Anya Ashouri - Part 2: Focusing on AAC Strategies, Not Just Tools