Episode 86: The Golden Rules of AAC Competency - Part 2 (Earn CEU Credit)

This week, the TWT team is pleased to share the second half of the “Golden Rules of AAC Competency in a New Era of Communication.” This session was originally presented by Lucas, Chris, and Rachel as part of the #XedAAC18 conference!

Key ideas this week include:

🔑 Overlapping treatment with other professionals can teach you strategies you did not learn in your own professional training.

🔑 It is important to support an AAC user’s “operational competency” - the ability to turn on the device, change the volume, plug it in, etc.

🔑  The COLE (Continuum of Language Expression) is a free tool used by therapists and IEP teams to evaluate early language development. http://bit.ly/colegooglesheets

Before we present the second half of the “Golden Rules”, Chris and Rachel discuss accessible programming, learning from other professionals, operational competency, and more!

Listen to part 1 of the “Golden Rules of AAC Competency in a New Era of Communication” and this week’s episode, then head to bit.ly/techceu to earn CEU credit for listening!


Episode 87: ABCs of AAC - Part 1 (Earn CEU Credit)


Episode 85: The Golden Rules of AAC Competency - Part 1 (Earn CEU Credit)