Episode 213: Key Takeaways from ATIA 2022 (Part 2)

This week, we present part 2 of Rachel and Chris’s discussion of their experiences at ATIA 2022. This episode includes discussion of Rachel’s first experience with “AT Chat”; the benefits of learning in small groups during “Ed Camp”, the success of Chris’s “Cards Against Exclusivity” session, new strategies for using Canva in therapy, engaging in AT Maker Day, and more!

Links from this weeks Episode:

#ATChat on Twitter - https://twitter.com/search?q=%23atchat&src=typed_query

Ashley Larisey TWT Episode - www.talkingwithtech.org/episodes/ashley-larisey



Episode 214: Tali Kellerstein: Using Games to Engage Students and Motivate Communication


Episode 212: Key Takeaways from ATIA 2022 - Part 1